Battle Creek is an urban creek located in the central eastern metropolitan area. It begins at Battle Creek Lake outlet and primarily runs through wooded parks along its path, providing habitat for wildlife and the opportunity for recreational activities, before flowing into Pigs Eye Lake and discharging to the Mississippi River.The main WOMP (Watershed Outlet Monitoring Program) station in the Battle Creek Watershed is Battle Creek below Hwy-61, River Mile 2.2. It monitors the water quality of Battle Creek before it flows into the Mississippi River. Samples are collected at regular intervals for baseflow and also during storm events. This station also has automatic monitoring equipment which takes measurements every 15 minutes. This continuous data can be found under the "Time Series" dropdown in the "Data Collected" section located farther down on this webpage.Over the years, water quality samples have also occasionally been collected on Battle Creek at a few sites close to the Metro WWTP (specifically river miles 0.1, 1, and 2). This monitoring was done as part the WWTP Operations projects to monitor the water quality entering into Pigs Eye Lake and the Mississippi River.